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Patient Care

"I care for people far more than I care for their medical diagnosis".

I take a great pride in providing extraordinary patient care. There are a few things I find it very important and they are the basis of my practice:



I feel that the friendliness of my office staff can have one of the greatest effects on a positive patient experience. Something as simple as a smile and warm reception can go a long way in making a difference in my patient experience. I like for my patients to have a pleasant and welcoming environment when they arrive in my office. 


I Keep Wait Times Minimal

No one likes to wait. I value everyone’s time and I take pride to be on time for my patients. If occasionally I run 5 or 10 minutes late I feel I owe my patient an apology for the delay.  

Make it Personal

It is all about making the patient know they’re valued, respected, and cared for. I spend time to get to know my patient and their overall state of health. I am genuinely interested in the patient’s mental health, physical and emotional health. (touch is essential and our modern world lacks it).

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Patients often express their worries and not being clear on their diagnosis and prognosis. I like to spend the time to educate my patients about their health prognosis and how to self-improve.

Provide the space to inspire healing and manifest wholeness

I believe that healing is not just up to the healthcare practitioner, but mostly up to the patient. The vision of wellness or healing must come from the heart and not from the mind.

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Practice gentleness 

Never judge or criticize others. I love the beauty of simplicity and being humble. 


I am always thankful for the opportunity to partner with my patient in their healthcare needs. 

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